English Shepherd Vs Australian Shepherd: Which Breed Is Right For You | ThinKersVine (2024)

Choosing the right breed of dog can be daunting, especially when you have to choose between two popular breeds with some similarities.

The English and Australian Shepherd are two breeds often compared due to their similar natures and appearances. Although they may seem similar on the surface, significant differences are worth noting before making your decision.

We’ll compare the English Shepherd and Australian Shepherd to help you determine which breed best suits your needs. We’ll discuss the origin of both breeds, their temperament, exercise requirements, and health issues.

These factors are essential when choosing a dog, as they can impact your lifestyle and your dog’s well-being. This blog post will provide an in-depth analysis of the differences between the English Shepherd vs Australian Shepherd.

English Shepherd Vs Australian Shepherd: Which Breed Is Right For You | ThinKersVine (1)

Table of Contents

About English Shepherd

The English Shepherd is a dog breed popular for its intelligence, loyalty, and versatility. This breed was originally developed in the United States as a working dog and has been handy for various tasks such as herding, hunting, and guarding.

English Shepherds are medium-sized dogs with a muscular build and have dense coats in various colours. They are highly trainable and adaptable, making them excellent companions for families and farmers.

About Australian Shepherd

Australian Shepherds are a breed of herding dog originating in the western United States. These dogs are popular for their intelligence, athleticism, and loyalty to their owners. They are highly trainable and excel in various activities, such as obedience, agility, and herding competitions.

Australian Shepherds are medium-sized dogs with a distinctive coat of fur that comes in various colours, including black, red, and blue merle. They have friendly and outgoing personalities and are known to be great family pets.

English Shepherd Vs Australian Shepherd: Compare Between Both Breed

English Shepherd Vs Australian Shepherd: Which Breed Is Right For You | ThinKersVine (2)

English Shepherd vs Australian Shepherd are two popular breeds of herding dogs that are often compared due to their similar physical appearance and working abilities. However, there are some key differences between the two breeds that potential owners should be aware of before deciding.

One of the main differences is their origin. English Shepherds, also popular as Farm Collies, have been around for centuries and were bred in England for their ability to work on farms.

On the other hand, Australian Shepherds were developed in the United States in the 19th century to work on ranches in the West. Another major difference is their temperament. English Shepherds are popular for their calm and gentle nature, making them great family dogs. They are also very loyal and protective of their owners.

Both Characteristic

Knowing a topic’s characteristics is important to understand and communicate effectively. Understanding the characteristics of a topic provides a deeper insight into its nature and how it functions, allowing for a comprehensive knowledge of its strengths and weaknesses. This knowledge is useful in personal and professional settings, as it can aid decision-making processes and problem-solving.

Characteristic Of English Shepherd

  • English Shepherds are medium-sized dogs, weighing between 44 and 66 pounds on average
  • They are highly intelligent and trainable, making them excellent working dogs
  • They have a strong herding instinct and are often handy for herding livestock
  • English Shepherds are loyal and protective of their owners and families
  • They have a medium-length double coat that is easy to maintain with regular grooming
  • They are energetic and require daily exercise and mental stimulation to stay healthy and happy
  • English Shepherds have a friendly and outgoing personality but can be reserved with strangers or in new situations

Characteristics Of Australian Shepherd

English Shepherd Vs Australian Shepherd: Which Breed Is Right For You | ThinKersVine (3)

  • Australian Shepherds are medium-sized dogs, typically weighing between 40-65 pounds.
  • They have a distinctive coat of medium-length hair in various colours, including black, blue, red, and red.
  • These dogs are highly intelligent and trainable, making them popular choices for police and search and rescue work and agility and obedience competitions.
  • Australian Shepherds are also energetic and require plenty of exercise and mental stimulation to stay happy and healthy.
  • They are popular for their loyalty and affectionate personalities, often bonding closely with their owners and families.
  • However, they can be wary of strangers and may require socialization and training to help them feel more comfortable around new people and situations.
  • These dogs are generally healthy and long-lived, with a life expectancy of around 12-15 years.


The English Shepherd and the Australian Shepherd are two popular dog breeds that often get confused due to their similarities in appearance. However, some distinct differences between the two set them apart. One of the most notable differences is their physical appearance.

The English Shepherd is a medium-sized dog with a thick coat in various colours, including black and tan, sable, and tri-colour. They have a broad, muscular build, and their ears are often folded.

On the other hand, the Australian Shepherd is slightly larger with a more streamlined build. They also have a thick coat, which is typically longer and more wavy than the English Shepherd. They come in various colours, including blue merle, black, and red, and their ears are typically erect.


When comparing the size of an English Shepherd and an Australian Shepherd, it’s important to note that there can be some variation between individuals, as both breeds can have a range of sizes within their standard. Generally, English Shepherds are slightly larger than Australian Shepherds, with males standing up to 24 inches at the shoulder and weighing up to 70 pounds, while females can reach 22 inches and weigh up to 60 pounds.

On the other hand, Australian Shepherds have a height range of 18 to 23 inches for males and 18-21 inches for females, with a weight range of 50-65 pounds for males and 40-55 pounds for females. However, it’s important to note that these are just general guidelines, and there can be overlap between the two breeds in size.


Regarding shedding, English Shepherds and Australian Shepherds can have different shedding patterns. English Shepherds are moderate shedders and tend to shed more during seasonal changes or when their coat needs to be replaced.

On the other hand, Australian Shepherds are heavy shedders and require consistent grooming to manage their shedding. Both breeds have double coats, with the outer coat being longer and coarser than the undercoat, which provides insulation. Regular brushing and grooming can help reduce the amount of hair shed and prevent matting.

Owners of both breeds should also be prepared to vacuum frequently and invest in lint rollers to keep their homes clean. Despite the shedding, English Shepherds and Australian Shepherds are both loyal and intelligent breeds that make great companions for active families.


When comparing the temperament of English Shepherds and Australian Shepherds, it’s important to note that both breeds are highly intelligent and trainable, but they have some personality differences. Shepherds tend to be more reserved and independent, while Australian Shepherds are popular for their outgoing and energetic nature.

English Shepherds are typically calm and gentle with their family members but may be wary of strangers. They are also popular as independent thinkers, which can sometimes make training challenging.

On the other hand, Australian Shepherds are highly social and love to be around people. They are also known for being highly energetic and require plenty of exercise and mental stimulation. Due to their high energy levels may not be the best fit for families with young children or elderly individuals.


When comparing the coats of an English Shepherd and an Australian Shepherd, several differences exist. The English Shepherd, also known as the Farm Collie, has a medium-length double coat that is weather-resistant, designed to protect the dog from harsh weather conditions.

The topcoat is usually thicker and coarser, while the undercoat is softer and provides insulation. On the other hand, Australian Shepherds also have a thick, double coat, but it is longer and wavier. The coat protects them from the sun and keeps them cool in hot weather.

Australian Shepherds also come in various colours, including blue merle, red merle, black, and red. In contrast, English Shepherds come in various colours, such as sable, black, and tri-colour. Both breeds require regular grooming to prevent the matting and tangling of their coats.


The English Shepherd and Australian Shepherd are often mentioned when comparing the intelligence of different dog breeds. Both breeds are popular for their intelligence and trainability, but some differences are worth noting. The English Shepherd is highly intelligent and excels at problem-solving, making them excellent working dogs on farms and ranches.

They have a strong work ethic and quickly learn new commands and tasks. On the other hand, the Australian Shepherd is also highly intelligent but has a more energetic and playful personality. They are often handy as agility or obedience dogs and excel in competitions due to their athleticism and eagerness to please their owners.

While both breeds are highly intelligent, the English Shepherd may have a slight edge in problem-solving and adapting to new situations. At the same time, the Australian Shepherd may be better at following commands and learning tricks.

Life Span

When the life span of English Shepherds and Australian Shepherds, there are a few factors to consider. English Shepherds typically have a slightly longer life span than Australian Shepherds.

On average, English Shepherds can live between 12-15 years, while Australian Shepherds have a slightly shorter life span of 12-14 years. However, it’s important to note that each dog is an individual, and their life span can be influenced by genetics, diet, exercise, and overall health.

Activity Level

The English Shepherd and the Australian Shepherd are two popular breeds of herding dogs that are often compared due to their similarities in appearance and purpose. However, one area where they differ is in their activity levels.

English Shepherds are popular for being highly active and energetic dogs that require a lot of exercise and mental stimulation to stay healthy and happy. They are natural athletes who excel in obedience, agility, and herding trials.

On the other hand, Australian Shepherds are also very active dogs but tend to have a more moderate energy level than English Shepherds. They are still very athletic and excel in various sports and activities, but they are also happy to relax and cuddle with their owners when given the chance.


Regarding the trainability of dogs, there are many factors to consider, including breed. English Shepherds and Australian Shepherds are both highly intelligent breeds that are generally easy to train. However, some differences in their trainability are worth noting. English Shepherds are popular for their eagerness to please and ability to learn quickly.

Trainability Of English Shepherd

English Shepherd Vs Australian Shepherd: Which Breed Is Right For You | ThinKersVine (4)

  • English Shepherds have a high trainability level.
  • They are intelligent dogs that can quickly learn new commands and tricks.
  • Consistency is key when training English Shepherds, as they respond well to routine and structure.
  • Positive reinforcement techniques, such as praise and treats, work well with English Shepherds.
  • They have a strong desire to please their owners, which makes them eager to learn and easy to train.
  • Early socialization and obedience training are important for developing good manners and behaviour for English Shepherds.

Trainability Of Australian Shepherd

English Shepherd Vs Australian Shepherd: Which Breed Is Right For You | ThinKersVine (5)

  • Australian Shepherds are highly trainable dogs.
  • They are intelligent and eager to please their owners, making them quick learners.
  • Their herding instincts make them excellent at following commands and performing tasks.
  • Consistent and positive reinforcement training methods are highly effective for Australian Shepherds.
  • They require mental and physical stimulation to thrive, so training should include various activities.
  • Australian Shepherds can become bored easily, so it’s important to keep training sessions engaging and challenging.
  • They respond well to clicker training and other positive reinforcement methods.
  • Australian Shepherds may tend to herd people or other animals, so socialization is important to prevent these behaviours.

Exercise Needs

There are several differences to consider regarding the exercise needs of English Shepherds and Australian Shepherds. English Shepherds are popular for being a medium-energy breed, requiring moderate daily exercise. On the other hand, Australian Shepherds are a high-energy breed that needs plenty of physical and mental stimulation to stay happy and healthy.

Exercise Needs Of English Shepherd

  • English Shepherds are a high-energy breed that requires daily exercise.
  • They need at least 30-60 minutes of physical activity daily to stay healthy and happy.
  • Activities such as hiking, running, and playing fetch are great options for exercise.
  • Mental stimulation is also important for this breed, so activities like obedience training or puzzle toys can help fulfil their needs.
  • Lack of exercise can lead to destructive behaviours and health problems, so providing them with enough physical and mental stimulation is crucial.

Exercise Needs Of Australian Shepherd

  • Australian Shepherds are a high-energy breed that requires regular exercise to maintain good health and behaviour.
  • They need at least 30-60 minutes of daily physical activity, including walks, runs, hikes, or playtime.
  • Mental stimulation is also important for Australian Shepherds, as they are an intelligent breed that needs mental challenges to stay happy and engaged.
  • Activities such as obedience training, agility courses, and interactive puzzle toys can help provide mental stimulation for Australian Shepherds.
  • Australian Shepherds are well-suited for many outdoor activities, such as hiking, swimming, and camping, and they enjoy playing fetch and other games with their owners.


English Shepherd Vs Australian Shepherd: Which Breed Is Right For You | ThinKersVine (6)

Knowing your dog’s grooming requirements is an essential part of being a responsible pet owner. When it comes to the English Shepherd and the Australian Shepherd, understanding their grooming needs is crucial to maintaining their health and appearance. Both breeds have thick double coats requiring regular brushing to prevent matting and tangling.

  • English Shepherds have smoother and shorter coats, while Australian Shepherds have longer and thicker coats.
  • English Shepherds have a double coat that is easy to maintain, while Australian Shepherds have a thick double coat that needs regular brushing to prevent matting.
  • Australian Shepherds need to be brushed more often, at least twice a week, while English Shepherds only need brushing once a week.
  • Australian Shepherds also need to bath more often due to their thicker coat, while English Shepherds can go longer between baths.
  • English Shepherds shed moderately throughout the year, while Australian Shepherds have periods of heavy shedding twice a year.
  • Both breeds require regular nail trimming and ear cleaning to prevent infections.
  • Regarding grooming, the English Shepherd has specific designs considered lower maintenance than the Australian Shepherd.

Good With Family

When choosing a dog breed that is good with family, the English Shepherd and the Australian Shepherd are great options. English Shepherds are popular for being loyal and protective of their families, making them excellent watchdogs.

They are also highly intelligent and easy to train, which makes them great companions for families with children. Australian Shepherds are also incredibly loyal and protective and known for their affectionate and playful personalities. With their high energy levels and love for outdoor activities, Australian Shepherds make great companions for active families who enjoy hiking and other outdoor adventures.

Apartment Living

Regarding apartment living, English Shepherds and Australian Shepherds have similarities and differences. Both breeds medium-sized dogs that require daily exercise, so living in an apartment with limited outdoor space can challenging.

However, English Shepherds tend to be more adaptable to apartment living than Australian Shepherds. English Shepherds are popular for their calm and gentle nature, making them a suitable companion for apartment dwellers who prefer a relaxed lifestyle.

On the other hand, Australian Shepherds are high-energy dogs that thrive in open spaces where they can run and play. Living in a small apartment can make them restless and anxious, leading to destructive behaviour.

Health Problems

When comparing the health problems of English Shepherds and Australian Shepherds, there are a few key differences to consider. English Shepherds are generally healthier, with fewer genetic health issues than Australian Shepherds. However, both breeds are prone to certain health problems

English Shepherd

English Shepherd Vs Australian Shepherd: Which Breed Is Right For You | ThinKersVine (7)

  • English Shepherds are generally healthy dogs, but, like all breeds, they can develop certain health problems.
  • Hip dysplasia is a common issue in English Shepherds, which can cause pain, limping, and difficulty moving.
  • Ear infections are also common in this breed due to their floppy ears, which can trap moisture and bacteria.
  • English Shepherds may also suffer from eye problems such as cataracts, glaucoma, and progressive retinal atrophy.
  • They may also be prone to allergies, skin infections, and other conditions that affect their coat and skin health.
  • Regular check-ups with a veterinarian and maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine can help prevent many health issues.

Australian Shepherd

  • Hip dysplasia is a common condition in Australian Shepherds where the hip joint does not develop properly, leading to pain and mobility issues.
  • Eye problems: Australian Shepherds are prone to several eye conditions, such as cataracts, progressive retinal atrophy (PRA), and collie eye anomaly.
  • Epilepsy: seizures are not uncommon in this breed, and some Australian Shepherds may develop epilepsy.
  • Cancer: Australian Shepherds may be at a higher risk of developing certain types of cancer, such as hemangiosarcoma and lymphoma.
  • Allergies: This breed may be prone to allergies, leading to skin irritation and other health problems.
  • Obesity: Australian Shepherds love to eat and may prone to obesity if their diet and exercise properly managed.
  • Dental problems: This breed may be prone to dental issues such as periodontal disease, which can lead to tooth loss and other health

Price And Availability Comparison

Price and availability are crucial in the decision-making process when choosing a dog breed. In terms of price, the English Shepherd and Australian Shepherd are both relatively affordable breeds, with average prices ranging between $500 to $1,000.

However, the cost may vary depending on the breeder’s reputation, location, and the pup’s age and pedigree. The availability of both breeds also depends on location and demand. While Australian Shepherds are more popular, English Shepherds are relatively rare.

Good Side & Bad Side

It is important for anyone considering adopting a new furry friend to do their research and understand the differences between breeds. In the case of English Shepherd vs. Australian Shepherd, knowing both the good and bad sides of each breed is crucial.

Good Side Of English Shepherd

  • They are excellent herding dogs
  • They are intelligent and easy to train
  • They are loyal and protective of their family
  • They have a calm and gentle temperament
  • They are good with children and other pets

Bad Side Of English Shepherd

  • They may tend to herd or nip at children and other pets
  • They require a lot of exercise and may become destructive if bored
  • They may be prone to health issues such as hip dysplasia and eye problems

Good Side Of Australian Shepherd

English Shepherd Vs Australian Shepherd: Which Breed Is Right For You | ThinKersVine (8)

  • They are highly intelligent and easy to train
  • They excel in agility and other canine sports
  • They are loyal and protective of their family
  • They have a high energy level and enjoy exercise and outdoor activities
  • They are good with children and other pets

Bad Side Of Australian Shepherd

  • Can develop separation anxiety if left alone for long periods
  • Prone to certain genetic health problems, such as hip dysplasia and epilepsy
  • Can be overly protective and territorial, which may lead to aggression towards strangers or other animals
  • They shed heavily and require regular grooming to maintain their coat
  • Can be stubborn and difficult to train without consistent, patient guidance
  • Not suitable for apartment living due to their need for space and activity.

Which Dog Breed Is Better?

It’s a never-ending debate among dog lovers: Which breed is better – the English Shepherd or the Australian Shepherd? Both breeds have unique characteristics and traits, making them great companions and working dogs.

The English Shepherd is popular for its intelligence, loyalty, and versatility. They are great herding dogs and excel in agility and obedience competitions. They are also popular for their affectionate and protective nature, making them great family dogs.

On the other hand, the Australian Shepherd is also a versatile breed popular for its high energy and athleticism. They are great working dogs and excel in herding, agility, and search and rescue activities. They are also popular for their intelligence and loyalty, making them great companions and family pets.


Both the English Shepherd vs Australian Shepherd have their unique traits and characteristics that make them suitable for different types of owners and lifestyles. While they share similarities in herding abilities and intelligence, the English Shepherd is typically more adaptable and versatile.

At the same time, the Australian Shepherd is more energetic and excels in agility and obedience competitions. Ultimately, the best choice between these two breeds depends on your individual needs and preferences as a pet owner. It is always advisable to research and consult with a reputable breeder or veterinarian before ensuring you find the ideal companion for you and your family.


What Are The Origins Of English And Australian Shepherds?

English Shepherds have been bred in the United States for over 200 years as a working farm dogs, while Australian Shepherds are not from Australia. Still, they believe to have originated from the Basque region of Spain.

How Do Their Temperaments Compare?

English Shepherds are popular for being loyal, intelligent, and hardworking, while Australian Shepherds are popular for being energetic, playful, and highly trainable.

What Are Their Physical Differences?

English Shepherds are typically larger and more muscular than Australian Shepherds, with a thick coat that can be black and tan, sable, or tricolour. Australian Shepherds are smaller, more agile, and have a longer, silky coat that can come in a wider range of colours.

What Are The Differences In Appearance Between English Shepherds And Australian Shepherds?

English Shepherds tend to have a more stocky build and shorter hair, while Australian Shepherds have a more athletic and leaner frame and longer hair.

Which Breed Is Better Suited For Certain Tasks?

English Shepherds are better suited for farm work and herding, while Australian Shepherds excel in agility and obedience competitions.

English Shepherd Vs Australian Shepherd: Which Breed Is Right For You | ThinKersVine (2024)


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