Feta-and-Herb Phyllo Tart Recipe (2024)



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Since you emphasize the importance of using high quality phyllo, how do you identify which of the commercial brands is a good one?


A video of this folding technique would be very helpful.


I wonder if we might have a video of Mr. Ottolenghi making this? The prep is sort of confusing.


No need to press the cheese/herb mix into the tart; simply use a small spoon and fill in all the spaces, repositioning the spiral as needed. I mixed the custard in a 2-cup spouted measuring cup which allowed gentle pouring over the cheese mix avoiding the spiral). Pour lightly. By the time you've gone over the tart one time, the custard will have soaked in wherever you started pouring; repeat pouring gently till all the custard is used.

Jim McGrath

This recipe cries out for a video... It has a lot of technique.

Chef Michael

Great product. However, I found the cooking instructions for the phyllo too hot, too long. Burnt the first round. Dropped the temp to 375 F, about 12 minutes. Also, next time I make this, I will use 6 sheets for the base. Also, 1.5 ounces of Romano doesn't come close to 2 cups shredded. Baked off the custard @ 350 F. End product was greatly appreciated by my client- she asked for it again for Memorial Day week-end.


This might help in choosing the right brand of Phyllo; it seems there is't one best brand for every recipe.


Thanks for the link! It appears that Kontos brand, number 5 phyllo is best for this type of recipe.


It's explained in "The Challenge of Perfect Phyllo," cited above, but that involves opening a box and testing a sheet for springiness. Can anyone tell us some actual good brands?


This recipe begs for a video demonstrating the construction of the tart shell.


I made this a week ago and am making it again. Technique is easier second time round and properly thawed phyllo makes a huge difference. I did butter the strips to make them easier to handle. Its a keeper recipe now that I feel it's easier to assemble!

Laura Perry

I used frozen, defrosted in the fridge overnight. It worked perfectly, and the guests loved it.

One quick tip: you can easily "grate" both the cheeses in a mini food processor. Takes just a few seconds and gives you nice, tiny crumbles for slipping between the spirals of phyllo.


Quite tasty. Made in iron skillet. Took a while to make working with phyllo dough for the first time. I found spreading butter with my hand worked easier than with a brush. The bottom was crispy, I wouldn't add more layers.


I use the organic filo dough from The Filo Factory. it is sold in my local food coop in the freezer section. If I defrost it in the fridge overnight then let come to room temperature for 1-2 hours, it is easy to work with and doesn't shatter/break unless it gets too dry. I keep a damp dish towel/flour sack cloth over top of the filo to keep it from getting too dry but the recipe works pretty fast so I didn't have too much trouble.


Made with parsley, mint and dill as I had them to hand. Major hit with everyone.


Drawn in by the beautiful photo, I made this yesterday following the recipe closely, upping the melted butter by one tablespoon. It managed to look like the picture but we were disappointed with the taste. The internal folded phyllo fans add no flavor but plenty of dryness. A quiche would have tasted better.


Getting ready to make this. The ingredients call for "2 lightly packed cups/50 grams finely grated pecorino Romano (1½ ounces/45 grams)" I measured out my 50 grams and it is just 1/2 cup. HELP!


How many eggs?

Beth Ann

It would be good to use a slightly damp tea towel to keep the stack of phyllo dough damp while you are working on the accordion folds and snail/swirl structure. Our tart looked more like a “rustic rose” than a perfect swirl but it was still really pretty.


The instructions are incomplete. What do you do with the overhang in the shell? Fold it over before first bake? It doesn’t say (so I did). Mostly the steps for the folded filo are very confusing; I’m a very experienced and competent home cook and a huge Ottolenghi fan (own 5 of his cookbooks) and have made tons of tarts in my day but I could not understand the fan fold at all and the filo kept breaking as it was getting dry (finally put on damp towel). I improvised. please explain!


some of us are visual learners .... please!


Spinach parsley feta and pecorino is the mixYou can make the strips wider/make the tart deeper if you wantAnd don’t forget you’re cute!!


This was a sensation for New Year's Eve. It was filling enough to feature as a brunch dish with a dark green salad. I anticipated, and rightly used only half the custard ingredients. It was showy, delicious and very popular!


I have made this a couple of times and, while challenging, produces a very attractive and tasty tart. One trick that I finally used is putting the mixed cheese/custard into either a pastry bag or a Ziploc. This makes it far easier to pipe the custard in between the phyllo spirals. Enjoy!


What size tart pan do you recommend?

Amber R.

Couldn't find phyllo in the supermarket so I used puff pastry instead and it was delicious! I also think the puff pastry made for quicker assembling.


Tried this today, the custard was too eggy, needs additional milk. Will try again, upping the ratio to be more quiche-esque, i.e. 2 cups liquid to 4 eggs, not 1 1/4 cups as listed.


This is so great. Have made many times so the construction is easy. It doesn’t matter if it’s perfect. It all cooks up great. Great leftovers too. I use whatever herbs are on hand.


I used frozen phyllo dough from Trader Joe's. It worked great! The other half of the box I used to make a half sheet pan worth of baklava using the recipe from Melissa Clark. Equally delicious and a great way to not have any leftover phyllo dough!

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Feta-and-Herb Phyllo Tart Recipe (2024)


How many layers of phyllo dough should I use? ›

Typically, phyllo dishes should have a finished thickness of 3 to 10 sheets per layer. (A one-pound box of phyllo contains about 20 sheets.) Tip: Phyllo pastries can often be very brittle when baked. We recommend using a serrated knife to cut the finished dish to prevent all of the filling from squishing out.

Why do you put vinegar in phyllo dough? ›

There are two key elements to promoting the extensibility necessary in the dough: adding vinegar to the dough, which weakens some of the gluten bonding, making it less elastic; and ample resting. Of course, it takes practice, just like working with any kind of dough.

Do you thaw phyllo cups before baking? ›

Phyllo must be completely thawed and at room temperature for best results.

What is the difference between phyllo and filo pastry? ›

Phyllo consists of tissue-thin sheets of dough. Phyllo, also spelled filo or fillo, means "leaf" in Greek, and the pastry dough is widely used in the Balkans and Middle East.

What happens if you don't butter phyllo dough? ›

Tip #2: Add Butter or Oil for Flaky Phyllo Layers

Just make sure you're doing one or the other—you will not achieve that delicious, flaky texture without the extra fat!

Why is my filo pastry not crispy? ›

To achieve a crispy and light texture with phyllo dough, make sure to brush each layer with melted butter or oil. Additionally, avoid overloading the layers with too much filling, as this can contribute to a soggy result. Bake at the recommended temperature, and keep a close eye on it to prevent over-browning.

How do you keep phyllo dough moist? ›

Cover the unrolled phyllo with a sheet of waxed paper covered by a damp towel to keep it moist. It dries out very quickly. As you remove one sheet at a time, cover the remainder.

What is the best flour for phyllo dough? ›

If you were to use any other flour, like all-purpose flour, the thin dough would be more prone to ripping or simply not keeping its shape. Furthermore, bread flour gives phyllo dough its signature crunch once baked. It is possible to use all-purpose flour for phyllo, but the crunch will be less prominent.

Should you egg wash phyllo? ›

But if you slather it with butter or oil, obviously the calorie and fat counts can soar. Brushing it with egg white, instead, is a simple way to make the dough flaky without using the added fat. If you have never worked with phyllo before, don't be intimidated.

What temperature do you bake phyllo dough? ›

Bake phyllo pies and pastries at approximately 350 F / 175 C on the rack just below the middle of the oven. Defrost properly following package and/or recipe directions. While working, keep unused phyllo covered to prevent drying. Don't throw out damaged, torn, or unused phyllo!

How do you keep phyllo cups from getting soggy? ›

Phyllo cups can become soggy if you fill them with wet ingredients too far in advance, so be sure to fill them just before baking. How do you keep phyllo cups crisp? Store phyllo cups in an airtight container at room temperature to maintain their crispness.

Can you refreeze unused phyllo dough? ›

Once phyllo dough has thawed, it should not be refrozen. Perhaps thawing occurred during shipping or at the store. Though it is difficult to know in advance how it has been handled, it is important that phyllo be in good shape before you start to work with it.

Are crescent rolls puff pastry? ›

The crescent-shaped croissant is a flaky pastry with buttery layers whereas a puff pastry is a drier composition of dough. Both use similar ingredients and preparation work.

Which is healthier phyllo or puff pastry? ›

Even better, switch your pastry from shortcrust or puff to filo. This is the lowest-fat pastry by far, with 2.9g fat per 100g. This compares with 26.2g for puff or 31.4g for shortcrust. Filo is the lowest-calorie option too, and it's easy to use.

Is filo pastry healthier than bread? ›

Filo pastry has a huge health advantage because there is no fat in the mix. It is made solely from flour and water. Fat – in the form of melted butter, spread or oil – is brushed on the layers as they are assembled for recipes so the quantity of fat used is therefore up to the cook.

How many layers does puff pastry have if prepared correctly? ›

A typical Puff Pastry can have a ranges of between 500 - 700 layers depending on the total of folds involved. You can fold the dough in a number of different ways and the two most common ways are called the " Single Fold / Letter Fold" and "Double Fold/ Book Fold".

Can you layer 2 sheets of puff pastry? ›

Yes, but you might want to use an eggwash or water to make sure the two layers stick together. Yep, there are recipes that call for exactly that.

Do you layer filo pastry? ›

Unroll the filo pastry pack. Remove sheets as you need them, keeping unused sheets covered with cling film or a damp tea towel. Brush each sheet with melted butter and layer up according to the recipe. Layering several sheets of pastry will make your finished dish sturdier.

How many folds puff pastry dough is given? ›

Traditionally puff pastry is made with 6 single or 'letter' folds like shown below. This makes a dough with 1459 layers (hence the name of the dish millefueille - a thousand leaves). These layers are very thin and very easy to shatter when rolling out the dough if too much pressure or too much warmth is applied.


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