Five Frogs on a Log: A CEO's Field Guide to Accelerating the Transition in Mergers, Acquisitions And Gut Wrenching Change (2024)


The Salado River

The Seven Deadly Sins

of Transitions

Sabinas, Mexico, September 6, 1960. An unusually heavy thunderstorm drenches the fertile farmland on the eastern slopes of the Sierra Madres. The sheer volume of water filling hundreds of small creeks and tributaries causes the Salado River to swell. A few small concrete dams built across the river as part of a long-term plan to provide water for irrigation and livestock quickly fill up and begin to overflow. Even though there is little threat of serious flooding, the citizens of Sabinas face another challenge. You see, in Sabinas the top of the dam also serves as the bridge connecting the small rural community to the more populated cities of Monclova, Saltillo, and Monterrey. Today, however, few people are crossing the hundred-yard stretch of concrete now submerged under two feet of the Salado River.

The overflow presents a minor inconvenience to the local residents and a major problem to any traveler passing through Sabinas. By the next day the water level should drop, allowing safe passage to all who wish to cross the Salado River. But today only large trucks and buses are successfully fording the river.

Two enterprising local residents with tow trucks have set up camp on the southern riverbank, hoping to sell their towing services to a few stranded gringos attempting to return to the United States by way of Piedras Negras. The southern side of the river is an ideal location for these entrepreneurs, who hope to make a month’s wages for a few hours of easy work. The town, including one small hotel and two restaurants, sits on the northern side of the river. Those stranded on the southern side can return to the United States either by fording the river or by retracing their route to Saltillo or Monterrey and returning by way of Reynosa. All considered, the latter choice would take a whole extra day of travel.

Throughout the day, most travelers who approach from the south turn back and begin the long trek to Monterrey. However, a few stubborn drivers attempt a crossing without the aid of a tow truck. (The tow truck drivers, by the way, find this immensely entertaining; they’re making side bets on how far each car will go before it stalls. Carlos is the big winner so far.)

Each of these independently minded drivers, determined to cross on his own, takes the same approach. He slowly eases the car into the current and then attempts to motor across as though the car were a small powerboat. After traveling twenty to thirty yards, the engine begins to sputter and then stalls. Waterlogged, stranded, and desperate, the driver then tries to negotiate a rescue fee with Carlos and his friend, while standing on the car roof, waving dollars and pesos, and screaming offers in a mixture of Spanish and English. All too willing to be of service, the tow truck drivers agree to assist for a small additional premium. After all, it is only fair that they be properly compensated for the added inconvenience of hitching a car while standing hip-deep in the Salado River.

By five in the afternoon, Carlos and his buddy have made a killing!

At about a quarter past five, a 1955 Chevrolet station wagon pulls up and stops next to Carlos’s truck. The driver steps out and surveys the situation. Three small children and a wife sit in the car. The back is filled with luggage. This is the end of an economy vacation in Mexico, and the sun is beginning to set behind the Sierra Madres. Anxious to return home and low on cash and patience, the driver walks up to Carlos and asks what has happened to the road. In broken English, Carlos explains that the river has flooded and that it will be days before the water level drops. As a public service, he and his friend are assisting stranded travelers across the dangerous river for a small fee of twelve hundred pesos.

Just as Carlos begins to explain the terms of payment, another future customer edges up to the river. Carlos and the driver watch intently. This guy is taking a slightly different approach. Unlike the others, he enters the river with a little more speed and begins moving across, swerving around the stalled cars, and throwing off a small wake. It looks like he is going to make it across. Carlos frowns. The driver smiles. People watching on the north bank begin clapping and cheering in appreciation of this driver’s cleverness and courage. Then, fewer than twenty yards from the northern edge of the river, the car hesitates, lurches forward, and then stops. The crowd sighs. The driver frowns. Carlos smiles.

Twelve hundred pesos! the waiting driver thinks to himself. That’s almost half our remaining cash. He walks back to the car and talks to his wife. For the next twenty minutes they talk and watch three more cars founder as they attempt to cross. The driver walks down to the river edge and watches Carlos rescue one car. A Greyhound bus pulls up, stops for a few seconds, and then charges across the river, nearly swamping Carlos and his new customer with its wake.

The driver looks back at his car. The kids are tired, and they want American hamburgers and milk that doesn’t taste like a cow. His wife is fretting over being stranded in the middle of the river with three small children. They don’t have money enough or time to take a daylong detour. This was not how he had planned to end their Mexican vacation.

Suddenly, without warning, he races back to the station wagon, jumps in, starts the engine, and looks in the rearview mirror. A large Greyhound bus rushes past. He guns the Chevy’s engine and slips the clutch, throwing mud and gravel into the air. Carlos’s friend covers his eyes and mouth.

The bus charges into the river with the Chevy wagon in hot pursuit. Carlos frowns as the bus and the Chevy pass him, nearly knocking him over with a three-foot wave. No more than six feet from the rear bumper of the bus, the Chevy is crossing in a wake of about eight inches of water. Looking out of the car are three wide-eyed, slack-jawed kids, one white-knuckled mother, and one determined gringo who winks at Carlos as he passes. Carlos’s winning streak just came to an abrupt end.

Many companies approach major events like mergers or acquisitions in the same way Carlos’s customers entered the Salado River—slowly, carefully, and, often, methodically determined to make it on their own. Inevitably, these executives are unprepared for the chaos that follows. Their best efforts to capture the new opportunities drive down performance and swamp the company.

Often they lose their composure and begin to thrash around for answers, frantically pursuing multiple paths in the hope that one will lead to a face-saving solution. Many executives and boards try to scramble to safety by concocting early exit strategies or recruiting celebrity executives, who with impunity can shift course and blame past executives for the fallout. Unfortunately for most companies, Carlos and his tow truck aren’t around to haul them to safety. The towing service for companies stranded in the middle of a merger or large-scale change extracts a much higher fee. Smart boards and savvy institutional investors repossess your car, lay off your family, and revoke your license to drive.

The Seven Deadly Sins in Implementing Transitions in Mergers, Acquisitions, and Gut Wrenching Change

As we learned on the Salado River, the formula for navigating the torrent of change is deceptively simple: speed, focus, and momentum. Chapters 1 through 3 detail the breadth of the problem. Chapters 4 through 12 offer solutions to avoiding the Seven Deadly Sins in implementing transitions.

Sin 1: Obsessive List Making

Within days of announcing a deal, the lords of infrastructure begin compiling encyclopedic lists of things to do. As each day passes, new transition teams are formed and more detail is added, until the master list becomes a mind-numbing, morale-destroying, ego-deflating, knee-buckling litany of tasks. It consumes fifty typed pages backed by ten linear feet of Gantt charts—and seldom includes a revenue driver.

List-driven transitions are prolonged transitions. They dilute resources, undercapitalize efforts, and suboptimize results. By giving administrative detail and marginal cost-cutting the same priority as other value-creating actions, they retard progress, frustrate the workforce, and misallocate resources. Chapter 5 describes the value of focusing on the 20 percent of actions that are likely to drive 80 percent of the economic value with the highest probability of success, in the shortest possible timeframe.

Sin 2: Content-Free Communications

After announcing a deal or dramatic change, most communications tend to be 99 percent content-free. They consist primarily of hype and promotion and always produce more questions than answers.

Imagine you have acquired a company with ten thousand employees. Assume they feel relatively secure and spend only thirty minutes a day wondering, speculating, and trading gossip with others about their future. That comes to five thousand hours of lost productivity per day, twenty-five thousand hours a week and one hundred thousand hours a month for every month you leave them wondering and worrying.

Communication is a stabilizer. It keeps people focused and energized rather than confused and perplexed. When your stakeholders—employees, customers, suppliers, and investors—spend time worrying and wondering, they are not producing, buying, supplying, or investing. Chapter 6, Windshield Watching in Seattle, and chapter 7, No Secrets, No Surprises, No Hype, No Empty Promises, detail the process for securing the understanding and acceptance of the stakeholders, while mobilizing support.

Sin 3: Creating a Planning Circus

There is an old yachtsman’s creed: If you can’t tie good knots, tie a lot of them. Many acquirers seem to apply this creed to transition teams. Out of some misguided sense of representational democracy, they form dozens of teams from both organizations to coordinate post-deal decisions and activities. The teams are organized into a byzantine structure that superimposes its own mass, complexity, and inertia on the transition. It slows progress and dilutes accountability. Chapter 8, Five Frogs on a Log, covers the mechanics of launching small, fast-paced transition teams to expedite planning and execution.

Sin 4: Barnyard Behavior

Barnyard chickens have a well-defined pecking order. Mix in another flock and you disrupt the pecking order. The rules governing which bird can peck another become uncertain. Feathers fly. In the chaos, some are wounded. Some die.

CEOs seldom experience more pressure to clarify authority, control, and reporting relationships than after the announcement of a merger. Succumbing to pressure, their decisions favor form over function, titles over accountability, and hierarchy over role clarity. The result often leads to barnyard behavior and an early preoccupation with organization charts.

Complex roles and interrelationships are not clarified by publishing an organization chart. Organization charts say more about authority, status, power, and turf than about the flow of information and the way decisions are made. The barnyard behavior will continue, perhaps subtly, until roles and interrelationships are clarified. Chapter 9, Acute Structural Anxiety, describes how to avoid stepping in barnyard residue.

Barnyard battles, though, are not limited to violations of the pecking order. Few things can make feathers fly faster than an empty promise to select the best practices from each party to a merger. Few things can produce a louder squawk than a clumsy attempt to ram together two sets of policies. Few things can raise hackles higher than a brutish downsizing or a flawed cost-reduction strategy that sacrifices growth for the sake of an unconscionable acquisition premium. Chapter 10, The Two-and-a-Half-Ton Truck, steers through these issues.

Sin 5: Preaching Vision and Values

Despite overwhelming evidence that cultural differences must be addressed swiftly, many executives believe it is possible to merge cultures gradually, through contact and interaction. Ironically, social scientists of the 1950s referred to this discredited strategy as the contagion approach—analogous to the spread of infection.

You cannot merge two cultures by waving a banner proclaiming common vision and values. Cultural change doesn’t come from newsletters, logos, screen savers, or success posters. It’s not about hype, promotion, mantras, or prayers. Integrating two cultures requires integrating two idiosyncratic behavior sets. Chapter 11, The Ultimate Scapegoat, offers a practical solution for aligning cultures.

Sin 6: Putting Turtles on Fence Posts

Managers begin jockeying for position early. Executives either attempt to take care of their own people or bend over backward to show impartiality, deploying as many of the acquired managers as possible. Rarely is there enough information to make informed decisions. The most common mistake is using selection decisions to balance horse-trading that began when the deal was struck.

These misguided attempts at recruiting democracy end up resembling a quota system that violates every proclamation management ever made about the importance of merit. The result is too many people in jobs that can be neither defended nor comprehended. An old Chinese proverb says: If you see a turtle on a fence post, you know someone put it there. The proverb’s relevance to modern-day mergers is apparent.

To make matters worse, executive turtles increase the moron ratio. As one Silicon Valley CEO put it, First-rate people hire first-rate people, second-rate people hire third-rate people, and third-rate people hire morons. Mistakes at the top cascade down. Because role models are the soul and substance of culture, chapter 11 puts this issue into a cultural perspective.

Sin 7: Rewarding the Wrong Behaviors

Picture a casino in Las Vegas. Hundreds of gamblers stand at hundreds of slot machines, hut the average person is interested in only the machine he is playing. Why? Because he has a stake in that machine. Managers are no different. The bigger their stake, the more they stretch to capture the rewards.

Meaningful progress rarely occurs in acquisitions until executive compensation is sorted out. Unfortunately, the architects of post-deal incentive plans are often preoccupied with funding formulas, eligibility criteria, delivery mechanisms, tax treatments, and administrative requirements. The plans become Rube Goldberg-like contraptions that defy logic, frustrate managers, and confuse participants. They lose sight of the real objective: to energize and focus behavior. Chapter 12, The Blind Man’s Dog, focuses on the real objective of transition incentives.

In the End

A PricewaterhouseCoopers survey of acquirers asked what they would do differently if they could start over. Eighty-nine percent of the respondents said they would have executed the transition more quickly. Perhaps the greatest sin is moving too slowly to capture the value in the deal.

There is no value in a prolonged transition.


Opportunity Lost

The Dealmaker’s Nightmare

What a coup! Wired magazine called it a marriage tasked in heaven. The Wall Street Journal called it the boldest technology deal in years, preempting competitors and ushering in a new era of convergence. And you re the dealmaker who pulled it off. Industry watchers called you a strategic genius. The Financial Times called you a visionary. Even your competitors were impressed. You didn’t mind. Not a bit.

So, congratulations, if they’re in order. And that’s a very big if.

The story started well. Your aging baby. Global Computer, had seen the future and blinked. Saddled with fading technology and fierce competition, you counted up your mercifully huge cash kitty and went shopping for a brilliant young partner. Nexus Technologies was ideal, a Seattle prodigy with the hottest networking concept in the industry. Founded by Johnny Wu, a twenty-something Cantonese immigrant with a doctorate from Cal Tech, Nexus’s wunderkinder were front-runners in a whole new market niche, but the cost of heading off hungry rivals had loaded them with life-threatening debt. Their recent IPO had soared for three months, enriching their investment bankers and some fast-thinking arbitrageurs, but had then inexplicably (though not to the bankers) sunk to single-digit oblivion.

So you had what Nexus coveted: quick cash and survival, albeit as a junior partner. They offered what you coveted: Global Computer’s reincarnation as the sharpest blade in cutting-edge computerdom.

Business Week initially labeled you the dealmaker of the quarter. Other CEOs were generous with envy-spiced praise, and you suddenly acquired a dozen new best friends. God knows, you earned that glow. Inventing Global-Nexus wasn’t easy. Twice you had to revise the offer, juggling the cash and stock payment mix and massaging the executive roles and compensation packages. The way those Seattle prima donnas acted, you’d never know they were bleeding and desperate for your cash transfusion and marketing savvy. Then came the board approvals, endless press briefings, employee announcements, and the pitch to Wall Street.

In justifying the merger to the board, you waxed eloquent about strategic and economic opportunity, complementary products, overlapping accounts, new market channels, reduced costs, scale economies, andbest of allthat hot new technology in the near future.

But months have since drifted pastalmost four, in factand the truth is no longer beautiful. It’s not ugly, but there’s a little secret gnawing in your belly. Your heavenly marriage is not going well. It hasn’t even been consummated.

Three months ago, you told the world what you then firmly believed: Global-Nexus was about to become a spectacular whole far greater than the sum of its already impressive parts. Unfortunately, you may have hoisted expectations a bit high. Within weeks, impatient customers and anxious software developers began asking when they would see the technology breakthroughs you promised. Analysts

Five Frogs on a Log: A CEO's Field Guide to Accelerating the Transition in Mergers, Acquisitions And Gut Wrenching Change (2024)


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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.