Graylu Fluff Fest 2017 - Chapter 6 - Impracticaldemon (2024)

Chapter Text

Author's Note:

This is the conclusion to my contributions to the 2017 Graylu Fluff Week and 2017 Graylu Week.NOTE: I have had to raise the RATING of the fic to MATURE.

This chapter is written wholly in honour of Graylu Day. It is probably the most amount of - let's say erotic fanfiction - that I have ever written at one sitting.
Why did it take 5500 words? I swear that it wasn't just all stalling on my part or theirs. I just tend to headcanon Graylu as a fairly steady and slow-burn kind of relationship. Their shared sense of humour is what makes them fun, but both characters have more than a few moments of self-doubt. Also, Gray isn't the best at taking chances (outside of fights), although he's really, really trying to put it on the line to make things work with Lucy in this story.

I hope you enjoy the chapter! If and when I do write more Graylu, I think I may stay in this particular personal "Graylu-verse" - see what happens after that oh so intriguing last line... ;)

~ Impracticaldemon

Chapter 6—Too Cold to Hold, Part III
Prompt: Fragrance (Graylu Day)

Once inside, Gray wrapped Lucy in the comforter off the bed and tucked her onto the couch in front of the fire. She opted not to protest. They were both feeling slightly shy again, plus Gray had a point when he said that developing a bad cold on the first night of their vacation would be very frustrating. On the plus side, for once Gray had an excuse for stripping off his pants, since they were caked with melting snow up to the knees. Lucy wasn't sure if she was relieved or disappointed that her pyjama pants were pretty much unscathed thanks to her high leather boots.

"I'll run you a hot bath, okay? But first let's get your hair dry." He carefully unbound the simple low ponytail that Lucy had worn at dinner, and started to comb out the worst of the wind-tangled snarls with deft fingers.

"You should dry off too," Lucy murmured, relaxing once she realized that he wasn't going to yank her hair from her scalp while drying it. In fact, the gentle heat from the dying fire, and the warm cocoon around her body and lower limbs made her feel rather sleepy.

"I'll be fine," Gray told her, one hand pausing in its work and then sliding down the curve of her neck and shoulder. "I can put up with a fair bit of cold and damp, and thanks to your brilliant idea with Capricorn it was a very short battle." His last few words came out muffled, since he had begun to kiss the place where Lucy's neck met her shoulder; his hand lingered on the smooth skin across her collarbone.

Some minutes passed in silence, at the end of which Lucy reached up and dragged Gray's mouth onto hers for a strange kind of upside-down and backward kiss. Her bunny-covered pyjama top was once again partly unbuttoned; it hung most of the way off one creamy shoulder, where darkening bruises bore mute witness to how the time had been spent.

"On second thought," muttered Gray, when Lucy eventually broke off the kiss, "maybe I'd better join you in front of the fire. I should make sure that I don't get sick either, right?"

His words were the tiniest bit slurred, and it was clear that his mind wasn't entirely on what he was saying. Lucy wasn't surprised when he half-slid, half-vaulted over the back of the couch, instead of taking the extra second or two to walk around. She was pleased to see that he looked much less cool and detached than usual.

"What happened to my hot bath?"

Strong arms lifted her off the couch, and somehow the comforter was discarded onto the floor without ending up in the fire. Gray settled himself into Lucy's spot and sat her across his lap facing him. Despite his abnormally low body temperature—and the sudden absence of the comforter—Lucy suddenly felt as though the temperature in the room had gone up.

"I was hoping to find out how long it would take me to convince you to seduce me." Gray's hands slid around Lucy's waist and then partway up her back under her pyjama top. Since he was wearing nothing but boxers, his arousal was very clear and Lucy was surprised to find herself reacting to that as much as anything else. It was somehow very gratifying to elicit such unequivocal, unsubtle lust. Or at least, it was when the person who wanted her was somebody that she had chosen and was maybe-probably-almost-certainly in love with.

"Isn't that just a fancy way to say that you want to seduce me?" she temporized, her right hand braced against Gray's left shoulder in order to stay carefully upright, while her traitorous right hand slid across hisridiculously well-definedchest muscles and started half-unconsciously tracing the dark blue guild mark just below his right shoulder.

Gray's hands on her skin were slightly cool, but somehow that just made it more noticeable as he ran them over the curves of her back and sides and waist and hips. Lucy actually shivered from sensation—she'd never realized that her entire middle torso could be an erogenous zone. And yet, Gray's fingers never went below the waistband of her cute, low-rise PJ bottoms, or more than a few centimeters above her navel. It was maddening. He didn't answer her question.

"You've never really talked a whole lot," Lucy remarked with would-be nonchalance. "But this is taking it to a whole new level of non-communication."

"… Sorry." Gray caught and held her gaze, and she was startled—truly rocked off balance—by what she saw in his expression. Such longing… how could she not have known? "Ah yeah… Well, let's see, um… I remember thinking how pretty you were the first time we met. You were so happy—like, incredibly thrilled, you know?—to be part of Fairy Tail. You kept looking around you with these big, mega-eyes, as if you were going to pass out from just how awesome it was." He smiled a little, obviously in remembrance.

Lucy bit her lip, first of all to keep from interrupting—and from embarrassment, because his description was far too accurate for comfort—and secondly because as he spoke he also drew her closer, and it was an effort not to close the last short distance and… she was afraid that one kiss would become many and then much more. She wanted to hear what else he would say.

"You had no idea how gorgeous you were. Not really. I mean—it was as if you knew you were good-looking, but didn't understand that whenever you lost the pose, whenever you were justyou… Whether it was because you were too busy helping somebody else; or we were faced with yet another insurmountable evil that seemed way, way out of your league…" He trailed off, blinked, and then pulled Lucy's head down to his in order to press a gentle, yethotkiss on her mouth, running his tongue slowly across her lower lip before drawing back. How could a cold man be so warm? When he continued, he spoke softly, his lips now close to her ear. Lucy was acutely aware of his breath against her hair and the way that her heart had begun to hammer against her chest.

"Anyway, you always took it, you know—you always put up with it. All the crazy antics, all the destruction. And you were just so unbelievably sexy. I mean, there aren't a lot of women who could compete with you onlooks—but you're so much more than that; you're so warm. As a person, as a friend… you have no idea how long I've dreamed of being lovers. You work, you fight, you laugh, you cry withallof you. There isn't some Lucy that you keep carefully hidden away so that you can pretend to be cooler than you really are—or less afraid. I mean"—he paused for a longer, deeper kiss, bringing both hands up to cradle the back of her head. She couldn't miss the way that his thighs quivered slightly under hers, even as he prevented himself from dragging her up against the place where his erection twitched and strained against the soft knit of his boxers.

"Imean," Gray continued doggedly, his breathing ragged now and all pretence of calm gone from both voice and expression, "sometimes you're completely goofy—no, don't be upset!—weallare! But I've never met anybody who wanted with all her heart and gave with all her heart the way that you do." He brushed away her inarticulate protest. "You've charmed the constellations from the sky and their king off his starry throne—who else could do it? And I'm not talking about Loke, either. Although he adores you as much as he can truly love any one person."

"You"—Lucy found it hard to formulate her thoughts. Gray had confessed his feelings for her in the first place—and thank goodness for that!—but this was just abitmore intense. For one fleeting moment, Lucy wondered if she'd somehow driven him mad with lust, but that idea struck her as not only pretentious but very funny. On the other hand, she was beginning to have an inkling what it would be like.

"I'm trying to tell you—to remind you—that I adore you too," Gray put in, before she could frame what she wanted to say. "I love you. In so many ways. You"—he swallowed but went on in a steadier tone—"youare the most important person in the world to me."


"And it probably just sounds pathetic—or worse, sleazy… under the circ*mstances… And I'm not the most open person in the world, I know that, but you said 'talk' so"—

Lucy put one hand across his mouth. "You. Are. Doing. Just. Fine." As she spoke, she wriggled forward until she was sitting directly against his erection, finding it something of a relief to finally rub herself against it, however tentatively. It was also much more comfortable to be drawn directly against his chest.

She felt Gray tense sharply and then relax—as much as he could, that is. "Better," he said softly, as his arms tightened fully around her. She had the distinct impression that he was doing his best to feel as much of her against him as he could. Heat pooled in her lower abdomen and lower still. He was rocking himself against her and kissing her again with bruising force—first her lips and then her neck and shoulders. After what seemed like both a short and a long time, she felt fingers clumsily unbuttoning her pyjama top—he was probably just more distracted, she thought, smiling to herself.

By the time Lucy's top was fully unbuttoned, Gray had somehow manoeuvered himself more or less fully under her on the couch; being strong had its advantages, Lucy supposed. Very slowly, he slid his hands up and along the undersides of her breasts, then up and over the round nubs at their tips. Lucy had worn a soft, lacy bra—best to be prepared, right?—but even with her mind preoccupied with other things she realized that her boyfriend didn't really care about the pretty bows or the cute rosebud pattern. Well, both Cana and Mira had warned her that it was best to wear her pretty underthings mainly for herself—

The thought fled her mind entirely when Gray started to tease her right nipple, pinching it almost—but not quite—to the edge of pain and watching her reaction. She stared down at him, rather bemused, and then gave an involuntary gasp when his warm, wet mouth closed around the other nipple. The lacy cloth dampened quickly, and Lucy was embarrassed to hear herself actually moan aloud when he switched his mouth to the nub that he had already teased into complete rigidity.

"I see that I'm—um—I'm seducing you very ef-efficiently," Lucy told him in a voice that attempted humourous sarcasm and failed utterly. It wasn't as though they hadn't gotten into some serious necking before—at least recently—but this was definitely beyond those happy make-out sessions in more than just the obvious ways.This seems a lot more… adult. But also amazing… How do people even look each other in the face afterwards?

She suddenly discovered that Gray was studying her with a slight frown; before she could say anything, he'd pulled her carefully down on top of him and hugged her close. Mortified that she'd worried him, and not wanting him to misunderstand, Lucy tried to protest.

"I—You—really don't need to stop, I mean it. I'm just—um—you know…"

Totally lame. Now she was hot and bothered and embarrassed… and lame.

"Yeah, I hear you. Sorry I rushed you—no, really. I guess I got ahead of myself." Gray was looking up at the ceiling, but Lucy was relieved to see his lips quirk into a faint smile. "Too many daydreams, not enough patience. Anyway, you being incredibly hot isn't an excuse—forgive me?"

"Yes, fine! Butcome on—give me some credit already! I trust you, and if I tell you 'no' for whatever reason then I'm pretty sure you'll stop and just go stand out in the snow or something. Besides…" She rubbed herself appreciatively against his leg, her toes curling slightly into his skin with the sensation. Then she sat up so that she was straddling his hips, and started running her hands over the planes and curves of his muscled chest. Honestly, he was just… "You must know how good-looking you are, right? I mean, you get a fair bit of attention wherever we go…"

Gray was distinctly flushed already, but Lucy's comment made him turn an even deeper red. "I don't count Ichiya-san among my favourite conquests, to be honest," he told her wryly, managing the whole 'light humour' thing better than she had. "Besides, I suspect that Erza will always be his one trueparfum. And I think Erza prefersyouto all the guys who keep throwing themselves at her."

"Oh? Well, that's very flattering, but personally I see blue hair in her future, not blond." Lucy was feeling more settled in her mind again now, and just a little frustrated. She shrugged out of her top with something that would have been dramatic flair but for the pink-and-white, bunny-covered flannel. Undeterred, since her boyfriend wasveryhandsome and practically naked, not to mention totally adorable just now, with his cheeks flushed and his dark eyes wide with surprise, Lucy bent down and ran her teeth and tongue over one of his ears. She'd noticed how much he liked it before. An unmistakable squirm against her hips confirmed her assessment, followed by an enthusiastic affirmative when she suggested that maybe her bra could go the way of her top. Her words were a little muffled, since she was busy creating a deep hickey on his shoulder at the time.

"f*ck yes," Gray repeated with patent sincerity, his hands sliding up from her hips to dispense with the lacy undergarment. "Yes, absolutely, great idea—and did I mention that you are the most gorgeous person I know?" Despite his not-so-much-earlier concerns about moving too fast, the bra vanished with only trifling difficulty, and Lucy watched with heavy-lidded satisfaction as he once again took a nipple into his mouth and suckled. She had to keep her hands firmly planted to either side of Gray's head not to fall over from how good it felt.

"Now we're both topless for once," Lucy giggled, the pooling warmth in her lower abdomen becoming suddenly difficult to ignore. She could feel small jolts along various nerves as Gray caressed, toyed with, and curled his tongue around her nipples. The remaining fabric between them was becoming both a tease and an annoyance—not to mention distinctly damp. Lucy's earlier shyness was almost entirely gone, overcome by Gray's expressed and demonstrated desire and her own. Lust was rapidly kicking any negative thoughts to the curb.

"Okay, before I totally lose all power of rational thought," Gray mumbled, hands busy touching and stroking her skin, "I want you to know thatanything—literallyanythingwe do together is good for me."

Gray was in earnest, but Lucy couldn't resist teasing him. "That sounds like a challenge, somehow? I mean, I do have a whip, but no experience with that kind of"—she broke off with a gasp, as Gray put his mouth to good use. She still wasn't used to the intensity of the feeling of his skin, tongue and teeth against her. She ground her hips—and the wet, quivering spot between her thighs—hard against the man under her.

"I love your hips—did I mention that?"

"N-No…" Lucy was sweating now, her golden hair hanging in disheveled tangles around her bare shoulders while Gray explored how she felt about all sorts of fascinating caresses.

"I love your hips. And your breasts, I mean I can't evenbegin—and your skin… I think I could just run my hand over your body for a few hours and be perfectly happy." Lucy managed an unconvinced sound between a laugh and a snort and Gray grinned up at her. "Okay, maybe not perfectly… but I'd be pretty happy. Also, you have a perfect ass and incredible thighs."

"You—look all cool and collected—but—you're just a complete—lech, aren't you," Lucy informed him, as she fought a losing battle not to giggle—or moan—as Gray's hands gripped and then kneaded her butt and upper thighs, fingers trailing oh-so-casually close to very sensitive nerves.

"Only with you."

"Really? I am not—really—complaining… but you seem to have a reasonable amount of experience at this, Mr. Fullbuster."

"Ah… But you don't understand just how much better—no, hang on." Gray somehow managed to sit up and then stand, keeping Lucy wrapped around him. He crushed his mouth bruisingly against hers, supporting her weight with one hand and her head with the other. A few breathless moments later, he said seriously, "So, this is the part where I ask if I can take you to bed… and I'd really prefer the bed to the couch, or the floor… although anywhere with you is good. I wasn't kidding when I said that I want to touch and kiss you everywhere that I can."

"Mmm-hm." Lucy found that not even slight nervousness could overcome just how much she wanted to get on with things. But she could tell that Gray wasn't done lecturing. The idea made her smile, and she kissed his nose. "Yes, professor."

Without missing a beat, he replied with "Hey, whatever turns you on. But, um, you do understand that there are all kinds of different ways to have sex right? Making love can be pretty creative…"

"I guess so?" Actually, Lucy wasn't a hundred percent sure what he meant, but Erza's secret stash of erotic fiction had given her some pretty good guesses. "But could we worry aboutcreativelater? I just—look, can't you just take me to bed without the lecture? This is getting embarrassing."

Gray blinked and then grinned. "Yeah… you're right. And ohgods, do I want you. I just really—it probably seems dumb… But I'm not as experienced as all that and I really don't want to do anything you hate, or hate me for later. And—"

"Now's good. Help me with my pants—you're good with clothes. Getting rid of them I mean."

Looking dazed but ecstatic—not an expression that Lucy had ever seen on the ice mage—Gray took her at her word and set her down in the middle of the bed. Then he covered her body with his and kissed her mouth, then her neck, then her shoulders, then her breasts… His weight pressing her into the soft sheets, and his skin against hers, and the feeling of his hard muscles against her breasts and belly all seemed to add to Lucy's state of arousal. She'd always wondered, a little, what all the fuss was about. She was a romantic through and through, but despite the (occasionally excessive) detail provided by Erza's collection, she hadn't appreciated until now just how incredible it could be to have somebody else with her in such an intimate way.

She heard herself whimper when Gray's hands found their way down past her belly and under the waistband of her pyjama bottoms. He teased and stroked the mound between her legs through the damp lacy panties with one hand while the other slid under her butt and somehow coaxed off her pants. By the time that those had disappeared to wherever—who the hell cared?—Lucy was pressing herself upward against Gray's hand, and she'd given up worrying about sounding so ridiculously needy. The snow spirits were welcome to come and take f*ckingnotesif they wanted, as long as they didn't interrupt.

"Good?" murmured Gray, nuzzling the lowest point of her abdomen, as his thumb slowly—too slowly!—rubbed across her cl*tor*s.

"You know damn well it is, Popsicle Brain! Stop messing around and"—indrawn breath and low moan as fingers now stroked her wet opening, caressing the multiple folds with care before sliding gently within. Involuntarily, Lucy bucked up against the hand that held her against the mattress, striving the draw the fingers deeper inside her. She barely noticed her panties being pulled down her thighs, or how her lover folded her legs so that he could slip them off altogether without actually ruining them. She assumed that Gray had somehow 'lost' his boxers by now and she was right.

When Lucy was finally completely undressed, Gray couldn't resist pulling himself back on top of her, just to feel the whole perfect, wonderful length of her touching him skin-to-skin at every point. He kissed her deeply, gauging her reaction as best he could through his own haze of lust. He had high hopes for a future of incredible sex, and he wanted Lucy to be one hundred percent comfortable being naked together.

"You're beautiful."

"You're a tease. I swear that if you don't"—Lucy hesitated, shocked by what she'd been about to say.

"Don't what? f*ck you senseless? Make you scream in passion? Beg you to marry me when we're done?"

"Basically—but, um, about that last one?" Lucy was momentarily startled out of her lust-induced haze.

"No idea what you mean," Gray told her, dark eyes gleaming at the bare-faced lie.

Lucy tried to glare at him, but he was so transparently, over-the-top happy to be lying naked on top of her—as he should be—that she couldn't quite figure out what to glare about. She didn't know how she'd missed it, but he was a very physical person. Being simultaneously something of an introvert, that meant that he loved to touch and be touched—but not by very many people.

"Now then," continued Gray, when Lucy didn't say anything, I believe that I said that I would kiss you everywhere. So you just stay right here"—he kissed her lips—"and I'll get back to making you scream in passion. Oh—and f*cking you senseless." He slid his body down hers to suck on a nipple, before tracing it with his tongue in a way that made Lucy twitch. He looked up at her. "And just to be clear… the next time you call me Popsicle Brain in bed—or wherever we happen to be making love—there will be consequences."


Gray closed his eyes for a moment and seemed to shake himself. "Sorry… What I meant to say is—please don't. I'd much rather you used my name."

Lucy quickly shifted mental gears, realizing that he was completely serious. It actually kind of made sense. "Got it. Can I refer to you as My Lord, King of the Perverted Snow Spirits?"

"Yeah, that's fine. Or just 'my lord'. That works too."

They grinned idiotically at each other, completely in harmony. Then Gray's expression changed and he went back to kissing Lucy's breasts, one arm bracing him against the bed in order to take some of his weight, and the other arm—the other hand, really—sliding down to stroke Lucy's thighs. The way that his fingers would occasionally trail across her still wet, engorged slit made Lucy want to slap him and beg him to get on with things at the same time.

Even though she'd had some warning about his plans, Lucy still cried aloud when Gray's kisses took him between her legs and his tongue found the swollen bundle of nerves half-hidden near the top of her mound. He wasn't shy about what he was doing, either… His kiss would taste her, and the tip of his tongue would explore the folds around her opening—just as his fingers had done earlier—but he would always come back to her cl*t and allow his mouth to lick, to suck, to slowly circle and to tease.

After a few minutes of this treatment, Lucy was sweating and actually panting at the effort to get him to do more, press harder, just for the gods' sake take her now, or get her off and get it over with—but not stop what he was doing. She heard the noise she made when his fingers finally—gods-f*cking-dammit what took him so long?!—slid back inside her and began to slide. She could feel her inner walls starting to clench—well, clench harder, and more insistently—against him. Her hips kept jerking upward against him.

From time to time, through the haze that seemed to blot out almost everything except immediate sensation, she would look down at Gray and see his half-closed eyes and intense, intent expression, and note that he was sweating too, which surprised her. Eventually, she became conscious that his movements were becoming less precise and controlled; he was panting a little, too, despite being in top physical condition.

"Can I—be inside you now? Please." It took Lucy a moment to realize that he was speaking to her, his voice rough and not quite familiar. "I meant to wait… but I don't think I can and… I'd like to be together with you. Lucy?"

He was kneeling upright now between her legs, the fingers of one hand curling gently in her pubic hair.

"Also," he added, "I think—maybe I'm wrong—but, is this the first time for you?"

Lucy nodded, embarrassed by the admission for no good reason. At the back of her mind she could feel the first tendrils of anxiety returning.

Gray gave her a lopsided smile. "Hey, don't look like that… I'm not so bad a choice, am I?"

"No, of course not!"

"Then don't lose sight of the plan." Two fingers dipped into her dripping core, and his thumb pressed tightly against her cl*t, making her writhe again.

"… f*ck me senseless?"

"Make you scream in passion."

Lucy's hips came up once more so that she could rub herself more firmly into his hand. Through panting breaths, she added the line he'd claimed not to have said:

"Beg me to marry you afterwards. Got it. Though I'm still thinking that last part—"

"Never happened. Hang on, need to make sure we don't have those kids everyone else is so keen on—at least, not for now…"

Of course he'd thought that one through, Lucy realized—after all, he'd planned this vacation in the first place.

Then he was back, his hands touching her in the very best way—or at least the best way for what they wanted to do right now. The thread of nervousness was back, but suddenly Lucy was also very excited—this was, absolutely, what she wanted and the person she wanted to be with. She wriggled against Gray, who she justknewwas hesitating.

"Get on with it, my lord." Gray's eyes flew to hers in shock and she laughed—but she really, really didn't want to wait any longer. She might or might not have an org*sm this time, but she was pretty certain there was one in her very near future whatever happened.

Then Gray laughed as well. "You never cease to amaze me."

Lucy grinned. "Give it a few minutes and I'll tell you if I feel the same way."

"Ouch!" His strong hands and fingers had been gently caressing her while she teased him, and she wasn't caught off guard when he slowly entered her.

"Mmmm…" Lucy's eyes closed involuntarily as she sorted out this different sensation. She vaguely heard herself humming softly, but all of her attention was elsewhere. Her usual optimism had managed to banish most of the nervousness, and there was no question thatgenerallyher body was ready for this. If wanting an org*sm was a state of mind, then she was there.

"Lucy? You'll tell me if you're okay? Because—to be completely honest—my judgment is pretty much shot."

Lucy could feel her lover—mine, she thought smugly—trying to hold back, so she started to rock against him, craving the extra friction. It really wasn't bad at all, in fact, it was pretty great. It would take some getting used to though—she could feel her inner walls trying to expand to accommodate him comfortably, and was glad that she had been so aroused to begin with.

"f*ck, Lucy!" Gray swore loudly as she deliberately thrust her hips toward him. "You're very tight, and very wet, and you're justnotgoing to make this easy for me are you?" Lucy grinned at him and ran a hand over his chest, her hips now rocking more quickly. She'd never realized that watching Gray fall apart would be quite such a turn on. He was really going to lose it…

It didn't hurt as much as she'd expected, really. Then again, mages were tough, right? Lucy ignored the slightly abraded feeling and focussed on her lover. All the cool was gone now, and all his careful patience. He moaned aloud and thrust himself deep into her, then withdrew partway and did the same thing again. It stung a little and was wonderful all at once.

It didn't take long for his movements to become less and less perfectly controlled and rhythmic. Finally, with a shattered groan, he started to climax, his fingers digging deeply into Lucy's ass, dragging her up to meet his sharp, panting thrusts. Lucy wrapped her arms around his neck, kissed him, and enjoyed the ride. Her over-sensitized body was reacting to his lust and pleasure, and to the heady power of being so completely physically connected.

As Gray came, back arching and crying out at the feeling of her body clenching around his, Lucy felt the world contract down to the two of them, and even then further down to the feeling of their bodies joined together. After a brief pause while Gray shuddered above her, head ducked a little sideways as his body rode the last obviously intense waves of his org*sm, Lucy found herself once again rocking insistently against him. She was so close…

"Just a sec…" Gray finally opened his eyes. He was leaning on his elbows now, face flushed and body unusually warm and slick with sweat. Lucy had to smirk at how wild he looked, and she was easily generous enough to understand and not resent his expression of delighted triumph. "Don't worry, it's your turn," he murmured. "Besides, you aren't senseless yet, right?"

Lucy was immensely grateful that he didn't immediately ask how she was doing, as though she were some kind of invalid. She'd always appreciated being treated as an adult. His hard kiss on her lips, followed by his hands and lips on her body reassured her that he had no intention of just leaving her hanging, so to speak. There were benefits to having lots of stamina, after all.

"Now then," said Gray, "let's see how this feels…" He put more of his weight on Lucy, and then teased a nipple back to full hardness with one hand, while the other hand slid down her toned body to rest between her legs. Finally, he lowered his mouth to her other breast and allowed his tongue and teeth to tease and nip and… well, whatever he did it felt wonderful.

Lucy gasped—she'd somehow forgotten, just a little, how good that felt. She wasn't especially tired—Gray had done most of the work, so to speak—and the soreness had faded a little… Also, the emotional associations even with the slight ache were rather electrifying, and Lucy was somebody whose mind ruled her reactions as much as her body.

Her climax hit her suddenly, making her cry out in surprise. Gray raised his head, obviously wanting to watch her face while she came. She was too preoccupied to care, focussed entirely on the way that her body experienced the rush of each muscle-clenching, nerve-destroying, shattering wave of pleasure. For the first time in a long time, maybe forever, she didn't give a damn who heard her or saw her or where she was. She blinked her eyes open to find them slightly teary—a new experience.

Gray dropped a light kiss on her forehead, but seemed to know better than to more than snuggle her close against his chest, one arm around her belly, and the other under her breasts. It was very calm, very peaceful, immensely loving.

Sometime later, Lucy felt his breath against her hair and ear. Very softly, he whispered:

"Please, please marry me and be mine forever? I love you so very much…"


A/Note:Ienjoy writing for the Graylu fandom, but it's a smallish crowd... so if you've read and enjoyed this chapter, please drop me a few words to let me know in a review or comment or reblog or whatever works for your Preferred Platform (tumblr, FFnet, AO3).

~ Impracticaldemon

Graylu Fluff Fest 2017 - Chapter 6 - Impracticaldemon (2024)


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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

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Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.