Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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WASHINGTON TIMES HERALD Oil tENk 1234 hr i CtasIM AtUw MICHAEL WINS I BISCUS STAKES sww HialeahStrike IljEventsPlanned avorite Wins be won in a Off at 10 to 1 Odds last I Beaten By Terps 61 50 Official Racing Charts at Hialeah Park 0 0 0 Odds 24 13 1 330 3 a si 5 10 ADDIE'S 0 0 64 6h Its Totals Totals 0 0 DAILY DOUBLE $4860 0 10 0 0 3 2 0 2 Totals' I 40 li 1 2 i 0 7 10 10 Jftt 40 i 12 $50000 Race At Santa Anita RACE ENTRIESRESULTS ON ll 0 0 0 2 ns St 110 ns ns us io 3 no 108 118 8 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 32? 3 3 0 0 0 440 0 0 660 100 486 1350 220 6848 6630 0 0 0 8 0 Spreadsis 300 Grooms Walk Out '276 7S0 JI0 H15 100 63ft 080 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 2 0 TIGEIV LASH CHERISH Sign Harris Giant Texas Tackle Gilliam Schloeaerf Harrlgc Upright Pavilneg Head! 86 3 8 Hk 660 145 76u 580 865220 360 that few 1600 210 830 2265 2165 3526 2775 670 185 2170 670 6568 I A Jan 18 (UP) Willie Hoppe beat Jake Schaefer 50 to 26 in 38 innings tonight in the final block of their three cushion match billard meet It was eighteenth victory in 20 blocks final score was 098 compared to Schaefer's 727 2 2 By Marlborough Hunt for Juniors THIRD The La It olds and upward rtlr ftirinjra enimore Okla A Ace Joins Chibears CHICAGO Jan 18 Bob enimore the Oklahoma A halfback who sparked his team to a rating in Ameri can football ranks in 1944 and 1945 signed a three year contract today to play for the Chicago Bears champions of the National ootball Leagued enimore a tall wavy haired blond passed sn examination by Dr Irving Wolin a Chicago ortho pedic specialist to determine whether his injured knee would stand up under the buffetings of pro play before signing Gold Bull (Jessop) Kerry (Deists) Vete (Atkinson) AlreniH ftinrlwin) Blind Path (Martin) Time Green Dragon 11 0 0 01 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ed 11 1 a outpointed Tpm Crowin Bob Thomatian TKOd rancis Murray of the second round Johnny Arnold vic avon (Jungs A A A 1 9 1 9 4 7 1H ns no 11 4 1 1035 1926 2440 2442 600 250 2020 10 By MARGARET COTTER 2 The Marlborough Hunt Club has just announced that this sea i son it will inaugurate a hunt It long has been the ambi tion of many members to hold' special events for the juniors and instill in them the love of horses and hounds to insure a solid fu I ture for the Marlborough Hunt' They realize the destiny of the or ganlzation must be fashioned by those now called juniors It is not' unusual to see yoting sters in the hunting field but when the entire group consists of children it is a rare sight This occured in Marlboro during the recent Christmas holidays when 20 youngsters gathered at Keo kuk the home of Mr and Mrs Gui Clagett for a day of sport When the group had congre gated the junior hunting staff for the day was announced by Hal Clagett jr whipper in for the Marlborough Hunt He selected those who had hunted well with the seniors times at Madison Square Garden Paul Tine in the third round on the Abrams Cerdan card in December In his only pro appearance lo cally Brodt beat Andy aison at Brodt has his marine coach Johnny Abood as of co manager with the veteran Chris Dundee He is strictly a service developed fighter McGriff Is beginning to shape up as a drawing card In two years of fighting he has lost but one bout that to Tony alco but in a previous match James held the Hartford Express to a draw He holds a knockout over Charlie Milan of Baltimore who is rec ognized among the coming con tenders in the recent NBA ratings Bowes Wins Ski Title TIMBERLINE LODGE Ore Jan 18 Bill Bowes of the Cascade Ski Club Portland today won the Pacific Northwest Open downhill ski championship in a roaring 50 mph gale oo Mount Hood jl i who won his Tropical Park in COOLIDGE amT Willie Hoppe Beats 4Aii nr ocnaeier loin i ime A Simmons Wheatley Stable1 Cedar arm A Ernst Strauss Marlec stable Bragg uglArf Kllgmanf rleiniaf Rensonf Tanney Gaspar Ov Wingoc Grifflnfr Wakefield 4 MIAMI la Jan' 18 (UP) Completely unmlndfulof strike tension and the odds on the tote board" Michael romped to a convincing victory in the 10000 Hibiscus Stakes at Hialeah Park today With an additional 300 grooms joining the other stable help who walked off the job yester day the strike virtually was complete but the track manage ment Insisted 'the meeting would continue despite the claim of Alfred Krisler 'attorney for the exercise boys andgrooms asso which voted to strike when the payment of bonus awards was discontinued victory would Veeneman Gernirosa Bryson Bryson Wkll Cana Hooper River Divide Melroso Brinks McLaughlin Crolle McBride MIrhael Hananian) 114 Iniperator (Reynolds) lit Swmv (Donoso) 114 Bullet (Pannell) 111 nMsgnolla (Marlin) 106 Eternallea (Dodson) in orward Match (Sc'n) 114 aHarmonica (Kmlth) mt Slamaranth ill War Glance (Kirk)ill Gallalad (Stout) lit Itlngador Atkinson) Jli a Birthday MVrta) 114 Michael two starts at easy fashion went off at 10 to 1 but he ran like an odds on favor ite Jockey Larney Hansman rated him off the early pace in the six furlong sprint and then hustled him into the lead at the head of the stretch Once on top the son OXORdSlTOWN oral 0 0 0 0 Ring (Continued from firn sport pagt) son put on a great show in smack ing out a decision Marvin Cohen in the following 145 pound class to tie it up at 2 all TheC Mermen Lose Seton Haifa Duke Hausman won both the 100 yard and 220 yard freestyle event to lead hU swimming team to a 41 24 victory over Catholic University yesterday afternoon 4n the Cardinals pool It was second loss In as many starts' Gersin Wheatley draw 1 continued the stalemate before Moody gave the Cardinals a lead they never lost There were no knockouts and only one'TKO scored by Kings Point Bob Thomaslan over ran cis Murray at 1 :40 of the second 125 POUND (Kin Point) (CU) ISO POUND (Kings Point) (CU) at 1:40 i55pniTNn (CU) outpointed Point) 145 POUND Carl Nluon (C U) outpointed Marvin Cohen (Kinga Point) 165 POUND Gue Ger In (C U) and Stan Wheatley (King Point) drew Bout stopped because of Oeratn'a eut eye 165 POUND Bill Moody (C U) outpointed Al Clinton (Klnge Point) 175 POUND John McDonald (CU) outpointed Bob Groover (Klngi Point) Bernie Cody and Angus McDonald (Kings Point) drew of Challenger II ran like a scared rabbit and scampered under the wire ahead of Imperator and Mill River Secnav Michael finished the trip in 1:12 and paid 2270 1120 and880 across the board while Im perator paid 2000 and 1310 and: Secnav another outsider paid 2410 Strike Showdown Looms While Michael was picking up a purse qf 9800 for beating Imperator by half a length race track operators marshalled theirstrength for a showdown with the strikers James Dooley president of the Thoroughbred Racing Associa tions called upon all other tracks to retuse to pay awards Despite the tension there was no violence and no intimidation John Madala' chief of the police said He had augmented his staff with 80 additional men but the idle exercise boys and grooms gathered quietly outside the west gate and made no at tempt to interfere with the few who reported to work Attendance dropped off slightly When a crowd of 15509 turned out for the day's sport Pur 11400 Thre rirotli Seven furion 0t Winner br (1) by Bull Columbia Olrl Trainer Catrone Time 1 25 John Kelly Hunt Master Young John Brooke Kelly one of whose ancestors Robert Brooke brought the first pack of foxhounds to Maryland in 1650 was appointed master John rode his black gelding Dexter a hand some five year old which has been so well trained by its young owner that it acts more like a veteran than a green hunter The honorary whlppers ln were Richard Zantzinger jr who rode Glory a former polnt to point performer and Alfred Smith jr who piloted his father's blue ribbon winner Nanette gince John Bowling capable master of the Marlborough Hunt has since the start of the war also hunted the hounds it was decided that the junior master of the day also would play this role which he did under the direction of Mr Bowling Joint field masters were Miss Nancy Kelley and Miss Sally Zant zinger who were assisted by Nor man Taylor and Katherine Brooke Kelly in seeing that any damaged property was repaired that gates and gaps were closed and that any juniors who required help in I troublesome places were aided Hound find Red ox The good sized field' jnoved off in colorful array to the delight of the many spectators who gathered to see the start of the hunt The junior master cast his six couples of hounds in a covert near Keo kuk They forked their way to Ceney place carried back to the Gui Clagett farm moved on to Lee place and the prop erty of Ralph Carrick back to Mr Bean's and on to McGregor arm where the big red fox went to ground Sir Reynard was seen by Mr and Mrs James Bland who anticipated the move ments and drove to a spot fromz where they had a thrilling view The run lasted about 25 minutes Other juniors in the field in eluded Jimmy and Richard Bland of Suitland Md John Marlow Myers who came from College Park with his guest Miss Jose phine Shipley Miss AnneShowell a guest of Miss Sally Zantzinger Lansdale Sasscer jr who rode his big bay gelding Timber Ed ward Tuck and Robert Sweeney Senior members of the Marl borough Hunt encouraged by the way this junior day was conduct ed said they believed the young sters soon would be able to hunt hounds with little if any aid from the older staff ollowing the hunt the juniors went to the home of Alfred Smith for hot chocolate before hacking home The de of this gala occasion was a tea dance for all the junior hunter given at the Army Navy Club by Dr and Mrs Harry Davies Balu Empreaa (3n lfr) Awaahonka (Roberta) hlcaa (McMullen) Nirht Porter (Atk'on) ha 7tao (Buxton) War Wine (Anyon) enjack Hkoronakl) Cioeaua (Stout) Bellezxa (Pannell) KlreMHa Rnitnm nillJMcPhaei 116 wrotaeb pLdMS8alBJEn)OnM jll30 Awaehoitki MM 8310 Elea 4 a GEORGETOWN Perry Abel Bf Abel Davit ColllnaRf Marmot Tolaone Moreland Warr inf Hanscom Collins Er Timboli Manleyi Martin! Cottrell Lunceford! Holtvl VML Kutmaf McIntyre Patton Wardc Walker! Thomatoni Ktetlini! Pritchard Irwfnr Hodnettr Garfield A Khlafcer Mrs Smith Selder Mra Latnri Balu Empreta opened a ipood lead tired but held on gamely Awaahonka waitoui (actor from the atari Elcan flnithed gamely TOTAL Telll Chrysler 376 Bryson 1705 ien Riddle arm 450Alia Jef(ord 63(1 i uinra Cedar arm Calumet arm Mrt Pet era Marlboro St Coast Eye Hurt by lying Puck LOS ANGELES Jan 18 (UP) John Polich ice hockey player coach of the Los Angeles Mon archs may be lost for the season it was leamed today Polich was struck in the left eye by a puck during a game in Portland two weeks ago and the eye has failed to heal completely OGT 1 1 2 a AMERICAN Quattlabaum Wollard Wegener Maaalmiano Crump vi valnria Mia Konkina Mrs 4 80 Ko san arm 1165 Brian JlOi Mlles 11 41 86 Hohn A Markey 730 114 1X1 13 OTHER RBStOTS ID POUND Btwa QUIan If Alexandria 11 POUND VAR8ITY Alexandria It 106 POUND Eaatoc Nat Capa 34t AialaftdrlB7H Totals 18 14 b0 CArroll 3 Mra Rabinowiti 8 Kelly 4 Ring 6 6" Veatlbula Stable Veatlbula Stable 8 Rahn A Markey 1 Lions to Meet Olympics Today our Eastern Hockey League matches three with the onrushing Boston Olympics await the injury riddled Washington Lions this week The local skaters oppose the three time former Eastern League champions in Boston this after noon again at Uline Arena Tues day night and in the Boston Garden next Saturday night The Lions also will play host to the league leading New York Rovers riday night Brodt Battles McGriff At Arena Tomorrow 1 1 Jimmy McGriff the recognized a draw He has fought four District welterweight boxing cham pion who battled 12 hectic rounds in knocking out Charlie Bennett in his last appearance here will run into a tough customer tomor row night at Arena his latest opponent being Howie Brodt of Utica Brodt is no new face locally He hit the headlines back in 1945 by winning the "local Golden Gloves middleweight championship and went on to take the national title in Chicago He was a member of the Cherry Point (N C) Marine teantat the time and his stable mate Laverne Roach tool the national welterweight crown Since leaving service and turn ing pro Brodt has scored 10 vic tories in 13 eight of them knockouts two losses and ARCADIA Calif Jan 18 (UP) Choice front running son of Blenheim II today sped to victory by a neck irr the 50000 added seven furlong San elipe Stakes early winter test for Derby bound colts and geldings at Santa Anita track The John Hertz colt given a confident ride by Jockey Johnny Longden met the challenge of 12 outstanding three year olds and ran them into the ground Call fo tola bred Yankee Valor was sec ond and another Californian On Trust was third Winner ays 48 Choice favored by the crowd of 58000 paid 480 370 and 290 Yankee Valor 480 and 350 and On Trust 460 Choice from the stable that sent Reigh Count and Count leet'to Kentucky Derby victories broke well a before the field had gone an eighth was in the lead by a length with Jet Pilot another favored Eastern con tender on his heels As they shot down the long beckstretch Choice in creased: his lead to four lengths over Jet Pilot followed by Shim Malone Yankee Valor and On Trust i inal Bid alls Short Rounding the turn' for home the except for Jet Pilot maintained their positions and Yankee Valor made a determined bid to overhaul Owner's Choice in the last few strides but the brown colt had enough speed to outlast his challenger The time for the seven furlongs was 1:233 Boys Club of America Basketball Conference 30 POUND VARSITY CLUB MERRICK Parkerfr WorkntiHf Hallf Dianeyf Woltc ahey McLlndong Snoufferg 1 (Continued from first sport page) too you get just as much of a kick when Verdon wins the batting championship he does himself It did seem to be the private opinion of the rest of the impartial scribes who had no home town loyalty to worry about that the Bos herd Joe 01011111 wh0 cer tamiy aid an outstanding job The an Makes or Break a Player The fans in the final analysis make or break a Jeff Heath one of the outstanding examples is proof of that statement Jeff acknowledged that a lot of "the criticism he stirred among Cleve land fans was deserved why when he went to St Louis saw the light and became the most popular Brownie performer of them all i i Babe Ruth always bad the magic touch wUh fans There was never a time when the Babe was too busy to kid with the bleacher lies or stop for a chat wheh he left the ball park' interest in Mine He felt thoroughly at home among the small nq doubt remembering the lonely years he spent as an erphan The really big league big leaguers always sensed the fact that their value was in direct proportion to the attitude of the fans never flnba fairer lot than the average baseball crowd at any park in the country Even in certainly the most fanatic town of them the fans there cheered the Cardinals during the playoff find occasional stinkers among the the pop bottle throwing but rare At Griffith Stadium last summer a fan threw an empty whisky bottle at an umpire ft the usher who nailed the guy but incensed fans who like the unsportsmanlike conduct Boston Washington or anywher else Sarge you'd have to go long way to beat the American fan 7 54 ih ljllia nn1 niarejt 'our vear I ral)y plrtc Mine Off 8:00 I rahie Ji a Jutiea Time 1:11 2 6 40 The Washington" Redskins yesteroay announced the signing of Henry Harris 275 pound tackle on the University of Texas 1946 squad for a two year contract Harris 23 years old is a native of Camden Ala He is six feet two inches tall Turk Edwards Redskin head coach said Harris was the 'Skins sixth choice in the National League draft 120 IX aE Brvson onfrv lkrK11h: wm ow Inlrt rail ant won eaally faat huilel along andheld on well Daubeaee wa TOTAL Rlart ood Won ually placo driving Mt 2:31 Wionrr 1 3 1 by lheraebin Trainer lnnexan Time P12 8 wuuuii oiauia aniry site TI O'SaUI Wlnaoma Uad waa taken tomilald In atratch rloaad I a away Ta! OSumvan at (at par anM Vch7t TOTSt HANDIX SMI 144 American Routed JJy Bundl7 Pa Jan 18 Sparked by Bob Williams who hit the nets for 27 points Bucknell University overpowered American University 71 40here tonight The baby Blsons handed the Eagle junior varsity a 42 31 loss in the preiiHiiiitu gaupc 14 Ma I a 4 4 Haaef Wllaonf' LoMf Day? Hamraf: WHlUma0 13 UeCa'il Am Walaag ortwulg Bwoenaygt Total! 31 3 71 OURTH RACE Purae 33000 our yea oida and upward Ona and oaaighth mllea (Turf course) Start good Won driving: place same Off Winer cb (5) by VlntagelWar Banner Trainer Quattlabaum jwoey 4 vlljuinet Ariel Son iradgett) in 2 a i Hobanel siablr fl an ri onno i 1 Mra Stcklbr 225 I Ariil' sto S1T( Twoay mink tha beat ah took command won nlclv In hand Arlal Sno rloaad amrly In tha (Inal furlon Blue Proof tlaahod early aptad 8011 In some respects the xace track may be likened to an elaborately spread dining table Good things on race tracks are very much like good things to eat The best looking items on it often raise the jndstr hob with 1 a nalate All of which is by way of reporting that we mixed a metaphor or two with some first rate horsem*n last week as the luncheon guest of the Washington Zoo's famed Anteaters Association The incomparable Mrs Lawrence Robert was there aided by another weli known horseman (of a different color) George Dixon Mrs Robert Also Considers Horses Stupid Regretfully' shall have to list the fascinating Evie among those who consider the horse stupid One cannot merely shrug off her opinion either because Eviepends a lot of time with her horses But getting back to the eon as soon as George appetite had been appeased with generous portions of bear meat the conversation changed from bears to horses During mv contribution to the'freneral remarks I wax careful nnt to risk a verbal duel with Evie on the subject of horse intelligence I days Instead 1 dwelled almost exclusively on the intelligence of the trainer taking my own comfort tn on oft recalled saying Of John die but records Then too Evie had brought back from New Orleans a prescription she said had been virtually guaranteed to make horses run faster Doping and Stimulation Not the Same It must be remembered that doping horses is not the same as stimulating them The use of any number of drugs may be called stimulation and technically at least even salt can be called a drug Dopes are so defined under the narcotic laws and mere possession of them renders the possessor to criminal prosecution There art however hordes and hordes of stimulants which have been resorted to from time to time some of them tending only to settle the nervous systems of horses inclined to be jittery Except perhaps when used for the purpose of a especially a particularly ntrvous mare stimulation cannot be counted upon for either the horse or the horseman as it is pretty much under the control of those charged with the detection of such practices The clever "horseman who must depend on betting for his profits practices none of this cornercutting His first problem is to locate the horse which fits his plan We do not say Hirsch Jacobs who has consistently become known as America's leading trainer in number of races won has betting plansJ)ur we do say he has been a wisard in selecting horses where he can classify them in order to win races That is picking them when they have shown just enough not to disclose to the public their forthcoming form Smart Trainer Can Upset Odds and Officials With such Horses in the barn the trainer is able to play pokerWith the racing secretaries and havoc with the betting He can by raising their former value obtain minimum weights for his horse and if that does not suffice to lead him into the winner's circle he can drop the horse below his par value for rdc ing when conditions of the race suit 2 The horse" is what makes aL trainer wealthy We have only to cite such as Stymie irst iddle Alsab Idle Miss Chase Me and scores of others who were bought or claimed at nom inal prices and nurtured up the evaluation ladder without catching the public eye along the way Condition Book Must Be Intelligently Studied The horseman who expects to bet on a reliable horse prepares that horse at an obscure track then ships to a point where the con dition book offers assurance that the fields will insure his horse as a winner To check on such possibilities he spends much time along the rails in the morning watching and timing horses that he is likely to meet go through their preparations Such observations reveal certain points such as when a horse is a long striding Individual he has to have racing room This makes post position very Important and the manner of breaking away from the stall gate The long striding horse prefers the outside course where he is less likely to have to pull up get blocked or cramped in any way where his stride has to be shortened I could go on indefinitely checking strategy of racing that is im Portant to a trainer when he expects to know something of what he is doing other than by game of chance Such strategies could be reviewed ad infinitum and with so manyof them it becomes difficult for the uninitiated to realize that even en masse they can not add up to a fool proof proposition when the chips are down If such were the case the smart horseman would spend a worth while long while preparing his mount to win just one race That one would be enough to retire him and his racer to greener pastures LEXINGTON Va Janl8 junketing basketbailers made it three in a row in their Virginia invasion by defeating Virginia Military Insti tute hefe tonight 50 in a Southern Conference engagement The Terrapins did not have easy going to annex the victory The Cadets threw a scare into the Old Liners 'as the second half drew to a cloee when they pulled out to a one point lead Virginia Military started to re peat Its efforts at the opening of the second half but before the period was over found itself weak ened by the loss of Capt Ross Walker the Cadet scoring threat Thomason starting guard and Qomer Ward opener at center who left the game on fouls Maryland 'staged an uphill battle during the first part of the game as It strove to cut down the advantage given the Cadets by the sharpshooting of Walker who' accumulated 17 points and his sharp defensive work But in the second half with three regulars missing from VMJ's lineup the Old Linen forged ahead and made it a runaway: game as the contest ciosea UAPVfAKn Montf Turynf Waller DavIM Ed wardec Hunton Browng Schuerholxg Keene Shumate Poling! Tntnla Halftime VMT''28 Maryland Owner's Choice" Also Was The ans' Choice And Comes fhrouah1 eLipeHandicap at 'turning $480 to hijackers Yankee Valor finished Santa Anita yesterday Choice winning and re and On Trust third? ifty five' thousand fans saw the race mutuel Oold Bull S1S60 SM 3M Kerry 3 SO 210 Gold Bull wy very feet eumd lead icon after atart eaved around all an(J outanfl Kerry The latter ahowln emart Improvement ran a game rare Vefe wae a factor from the etart TIJ The Hlblactis Purse 310000 added Three year olds six Chl 'i drvln place same Off 4:3614 Winner br 3 by halh iiger Beanie by Black Toney Trainer Hicks Time 1 12 rCherlih (Meloche)Matlnea Ride leaeop) Squtfie (Kirk) Lily Mara Rusty (Cm best) All Quiet (SnldPfi 4 Romping (Mariliieii ij Boot Camp (Wlleon) Deby (Loturco) I 7 vara ana ir Peters entrv Kartell 2so 4M IMtWee 1U 417M u' 4U H4UI1IV herieh ran into lead tin arehh and drew away at finlah Matinee Ride closed faet on ouimde HqoHie run a race and soiih nolina TOTAL $4600 nsoTr 3300 nets ese broke elertlr a (ood lead and won nicely la hand Para" I'ZynhJdnp 1 26 by the Tramir CrrolL Tinel winoomead (Martin) 101 Tel O'Sullivan (Stout) lit Chancraln lotLord Grillo (Atklneon) 107 Pot Luck (Dodson) Ill a Boat Man (Thacker) HI afabh Reward BUI Rosa (McPhee) 11? 105 POUND LEAGUE 1 MERRICK Jackson Tylerc itxhueh Richards ng 5 epoinpag 4 GEORGETOWN ora COUtyTs 3 eatonfT Carrf 0 CdhSDyf risby 1 BrannonXX SArafloIdc rroeiiS'K Killlherg Turnart Viawell Rosenblatt! 1 Walk RIM Kianahang A Totals' 6 in Owner 1 PallMlhaHBS 7V81LM M( wwatar Michael on oulelde moved up very feat around turn took lead In final furlong and held on gamely Imperator displayed a high turn of speed and made effort Secnav Hoard with at rush and wa fast going I rd HHVESTH Puraey 3000 (Claiming price 7500) our year olde and up I Via miles Start xond won handily place driving Off i 677 upnuATm1 by Ameficin'ihi: itHlti Cline iJeiiiHi Pa ragram (Atkinson) Refresh (Mnrtln) CiiliCHkH I Dodson rt Duleh Mlaii Rrndwin (Snrller) tRJiodd Christmas on 1 S0RSESRsem*n? Colts Indians Winlnterhigh Series Games Continued from first sport page) who entered the game after Wally Warner waa tossed out on five personals dropped In two con secutive goals to tie the game at 3641 after the Tigers had gained a 36 32 lead with less than four minutes of play remaining Dave Mlgdol sent the Indians ahead on a beautiful hook shot In the last 50 seconds and Gene Schroeder put the game on Ice with only one second left as he lsank a free throw Scott Silvers and Warner both whistled out of the game on fouls topped the Indians with 11 and nine points respectively Don Snider and Pat O'Neill came through with nine and seven points for the Tigers ROOSEVELT By Aociated reaa Weather Clear Track a at 11 A CE Purse 83000 Maldena Two year Colta and' gelding Three furlonga biart good Won eaally place driving (iff Winner i (2) by Tiger Humane Trainer Douglaae Ttfhe TnL lnner nora jockey Wt pp st Tiger lash (Roberta) 12U Harvest RewaM (W'y) 120 4 Daubeaae (Braen) 120 6 7 sMr Tolaon (Jessop) 120 Beach Bay (Steffen) 120 Careon (tstout) 120 a 5 impatience (Loturco) King's Weapon (SK'ki) Lookininellow Machairan (Reynolds)Green Haven (Q'erol Totals' 66 POUND JUNIOR LEAa'pE MKRRICK qyoT MilTaf Allen Sailers Clnottig Whtteg Dyarg Boyce 'Y Grmgroaa McLaughlin Mill River Stable Mra Whitney A Hanger Calumet arm Jeffords 1 Watts Glen Riddle ms 4 90 Chrysler 1890 Mrs Ring 4 715 Mrs Voeneman 68 75 id a 1 7 4 A la? 4 A TayloLf 2 3 7 Peratlnof' 0 2 2 Sturgeost 1 0 0 0 Rothklnf 0 0 0 Mitchell 1 1 3 riedman 0 0 0 MouMinf 1 0 2 Glick 2 3 7 Kingf 3 3 6 Siegel 113 Kleknechtc 2 4 8 agan 2 0 4 Malkin 0 0 0 Johnson 0 5 5 Rohrg 3 1 7 Simon 4 0 8 Boyle 0 0 0 Htibbag 10 2 Witaelg 4 3 11 Paugh 0 0 0 TMala 16 14 44 Totals 10 11 31 Score at 14 (Coolidge) Referee La bn a Heft jANACO8TTA WILSON Mlgdol f' 3 0 6 3 1 Wolfef 1 02 Monocof 6 5 17 Warner 3 3 Thomae 0 Cranfordf 1 5 Janigan 0 0 Schroeder 2 1 5 Whitcomh OS Sllverag 4 8 1lV Sniderr 2 5 Pheasant 1 i Carter! "0 0 0 Koontzg 0 0 0 Haricg 0 0 0 Schenck! 0 0 0 15 9 39 Totals 14 36 IS 3 2 jip 8 13 8 2 I 4 1 3 7 6t 6 4l ft hi nl ji nJ 1 9 6 74 74 7 8 10i io 11 jo 4 5 10 9 is 51 in 1 4 is IS 12 1.

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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Author information

Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.